- Nrutyayan centre for odissi dance is affiliated to pracheen kala
- The students appear the theory and practical exams annually and the student
will receive a masters degree in the field of odissi at the end of 6 years.
- Students have to learn for a period of six month to appear the exam.
Regular Classes:
Regular classes are conducted for the local students in Bhubaneswar and
Bangalore branches.
Special Classes:
- Special classes are mainly designed for the students coming from abroad and
keen to learn Odissi in a short duration. A learner can enroll for a minimum of 2
weeks of course periods (at any time of the year) or can enroll for a longer period
based on their needs.
Please do let us know about the enrollment before one month.
For further details contact:
+91-9343083425 / +91-9886995521 / +91-9861144971
Or email us @ - /